Eclectic Society

John-Newton-AitkenIn 2007 a biography of John Newton, (1725-1807), was published by Crossway Books. This book, John Newton: From Disgrace To Amazing Grace written by Jonathan Aitken, introduced me to a man who has almost been forgotten in our day. His remarkable life story is a testament to the depths of depravity in man and the invincible power of God’s grace and providence. John Newton was beloved and respected by countless people in his day, and his influence for Christ in both the church and in British society was immeasurable.

“Christian networking played a large part in Newton’s life as a London evangelical leader. Initially he carried out this activity through personal friendships and hospitality in his own home. But as his importance increased, the mechanism for his networking became more organized. In 1783 he founded a regular discussion group of evangelical leaders and influential laymen, which by the end of that year was called the Eclectic Society. In time it became famous as the inspiration for the Church Missionary Society, the Christian Observer magazine, and other religious associations. The pivotal role played by Newton in the early years of the Eclectic Society confirmed his growing influence in the evangelical world…

The questions discussed by the Eclectic Society covered a whole range of themes and subjects. They included biblical exegesis and application, ministerial duties, events of national significance, and general matters of theological and ecclesiastical importance linked with the cause of the gospel.”

John Newton: From Disgrace to Amazing Grace, Jonathan Aitken.

For more information about John Newton, visit the website for The John Newton Project.


Following the pattern that John Newton and the original Eclectic Society set forth, an Eclectic Group meets each month in Birmingham, AL. Pastors and laymen meet to discuss assigned topics in light of scripture and the cause of Christ. Some of the topics that have been discussed are:
The Meaning of 2 Peter 3:9
Reaching the Community
Schisms in the Church
Languages of the Bible
Unequally Yoked; Its Meaning and Application

For more information about the Eclectic Group in Birmingham contact us at We will be glad to add you to our email distribution list by which we inform recipients of the time, place and subject of each meeting. Currently we meet at Grace Covenant Baptist Church in Vestavia, AL