Turning Away Is Turning To

Turning Away Is Turning To

For the LORD gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity.
(Proverbs 2:6-7)

 Does it sometimes seem that our elected politicians live in a world completely detached from the one that the rest of us live in?  Perhaps they isolate themselves; associating only with each other and with people who want to influence them.  It must be difficult for those in the Senate and House to avoid socializing and discussing issues with only persons who tend to see life through the same “glasses” that they do.  But, this is nothing new.

In the book of   I Kings, chapter 22, the account of an alliance between the king of Israel and the king of Judah is written.  The king of Judah wanted to know what the Lord had to say about a battle which the two kings were planning.  The king of Israel had 400 “prophets” which he consulted.  All of them said the same thing, “Go up for the Lord will give it (the battle) into the hands of the king.”  However, the king of Judah was not satisfied; he asked, “Is there not yet a prophet of the LORD that we may inquire of him?”

The reply is almost amusing.  The king of Israel said this of the one true prophet of God; “There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.”  The king of Judah persisted in seeking the word from that one prophet; and, the message was clear, “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, like sheep which have no shepherd …” and the death of the king of Israel, Ahab, was prophesied.   The reaction to the words of the prophet were stunning; “Did I not tell you that he would not prophesy good concerning me, but evil.”  The kings persisted in following the encouragements of the 400 so-called prophets.  The battle was lost; Ahab, king of Israel was struck by a “random” arrow, and died.

How can kings and politicians be so blinded by their own ambitions that they surround themselves with “yes men”, and ignore the word of God?  Well, how is it that we Christians do the same thing if we aren’t careful.  When we have a problem, where do we go? Is it first to the word of the LORD, Scripture? Or, do we take a poll of our friends?  How quick are we to turn away from the Godly counsel of the wise in our church if that counsel is contrary to our ambitions or lifestyle?  A consensus of wrong opinions is still disastrous advice. Remember the 400 “prophets”!  The counsel of Scripture is always right.  Corporations have meetings and reach agreement through negotiations; but the ways of the Lord are not so.  He and He alone is our Wisdom and Guide.

The paths that lead to nothingness are many and often look pleasing at first.  The world’s wisdom for our problems is often a “quick fix” or some psycho-babble. However, false religion often uses the same words and methods sprinkled with a few Bible verses.  Who will you go to for direction?  Will you listen to someone who has no more knowledge of the map than you do?  Wouldn’t you rather take the advice of the Mapmaker?  Wouldn’t you be wise to follow the One Who has already gone ahead of you and knows the way?  The Word of God can cut through the fog, and light our path.  Open it.  Read it.  Talk often with the Author.  Think Scripturally.


“Although the path of life for the Christian is not easy, never turn aside.  Turning away from God’s will and God’s road is always turning to something else which leads into a wilderness.”

–Ed Wallen, Leaving DarkLand