Treasures of Wisdom

Treasures of Wisdom

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge;

Fools despise wisdom and instruction. 

Proverbs 1:7


If you really want to read a great manual on life and people, read the book of Proverbs.  The first verse is impressive in itself; “The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel”.  In verse 2 of chapter one, the list of treasures begins:

“To know wisdom and instruction,

To discern the sayings of understanding,

To receive instruction in wise behavior,

Righteousness, justice, and equity;

To give prudence to the naïve,

To the youth knowledge and discretion,

A wise man will hear and increase in learning,

And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel.”

But, don’t miss the KEY verse of the book, chapter one verse 7:“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Proverbs tells us about life and people; money, family, the right path, the wrong path, the wise, the naïve, the scoffer, the fool.  Wise folks act one way and fools act another way.  Proverbs tells you how to discern which is which; and, how to be wise and not be the fool.  Proverbs tells us how to stay clear of temptation and sin; how to think about work and money;  how to train our children; how to respond to scoffers, fools and the naïve; how to encourage; how to be loyal; and, the list goes on and on.

Proverbs are diamonds of wisdom from God Himself; don’t play marbles with diamonds.  God has provided His written word for you, don’t neglect it or treat it lightly.  As Christians, we must strive to know Him and to know how to rightly understand the Word of God.  All treasures of wisdom are found in the Lord Jesus Christ.  All doctrine, all answers, all wisdom are anchored and rooted in Him; “…Christ Himself in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”  Colossians 2:3

“No man is uneducated who knows the Bible,

 and no one is truly educated who is ignorant of its teachings.”

(Samuel Chadwick)