Success in Things That Don’t Matter

Success in Things That Don’t Matter

“…walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;”
(Colossians 1:10)

There is a great difference between Success and Accomplishments. One can accomplish great heights in academics, sports, politics, fame and fortune; but accomplishments in the things of this world do not equal success. Men will cascade you with accolades for the world’s accomplishments and yet you may be a failure. Excelling in your field of occupation, gaining power, or wealth does not make you an educated and successful person. Samuel Chadwick wrote; “No man is uneducated who knows the Bible, and no one is truly educated who is ignorant of its teachings.”

True success is to know the Word of God and the One whom it proclaims, the Lord Jesus Christ, and to spend your life being submitted to His word and seeking to be like Him.  If this is not true of you, regardless of any other accomplishments, you are a failure. To be successful in life, you must keep your eyes on Him who is the great embodiment of truth. Chesterton wrote, “God is like the sun, you cannot gaze upon it: but without it you cannot see anything else.”

For the Christian there is no success apart from Christ. It is His power that directs our mind, heart, and energy toward that which is true success.  The mightiest angel would turn into a devil if not submitted to Christ.  If you are His, cling to Him and seek His direction.  To do what pleases Christ in your life IS SUCCESS; nothing greater than the smile of God!


Let us not be afraid of failure;
but, let us be afraid of being successful in things that don’t matter.
–C.S. Lewis