Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

“Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”
(Colossians 2:3)

Who is God?  How can you know anything at all about God?  Why do we exist?  What does God expect from us?  Is there any real purpose to history and life?  Does God care about our lives?  Would you like to know the answer to those questions?  Well, you can know the answers, but you’ll not find out from a black and yellow book titled “God Answers DUMMIES”.  There is one Book which He has providentially given to us; the Bible. It is His story for His glory.  It is the story of man in his misery, and God in His mercy.  It is the written revelation from Him Who is the WORD, (see John 1:1).

“The revelation of God in the Holy Scriptures gives us the written description by which all other assertions about God must be measured.  This is the Word of God.” – Ravi Zacharias.  Our opinions, choices, and feelings must have a foundation in what is real and true. It is He to whom we must go for truth. Our analysis of life and events must be seen through the window of truth; God’s truth.  The Bible is the Book for a lifetime; and a book which can only be understood by the reader when personally interpreted to him by its Author, God the Holy Spirit. If you personally know Christ Jesus, then delve into His Book; study and pray for understanding.  This is a lifelong joy to the Christian. If you do not know Christ, pray that He will make you to know what is real and true and to show you Himself.

Would you stand beside a well in a desert parched by the blazing sun and dying of thirst yet refusing to draw water because you do not really fully understand how the water came to be located in the depths of the earth under a desert?

Would you refuse healing medicine because you do not have complete knowledge of biochemistry?

Would you live in spiritual darkness thirsting for meaning in life and refuse the only remedy for sorrow and sin just because you do not fully and completely understand every Word and Work of God or every doctrine and promise found in Scripture?

I doubt that you would answer any of the above questions with a “yes” answer. Then why not begin now to drink the spiritual water that can quince your thirst; take the healing medicine that can heal your guilt and give to you the spiritual understanding that will provide light and meaning in life?  Pick up the Word of God; pray for understanding and wisdom from “…Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”-Colossians 2:3. Attend a church where Christ is Center and the Scriptures are taught and explained, (not explained away or skimmed over).  You cannot worship God if you do not know the truth of God.


“Truth is true – even if no one agrees what it is.
Truth is true – even if no one follows it.
Truth is true – even if no one but God grasps it fully”
— C.S. Lewis