Molded and Refined

Molded and Refined

Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something on the wheel.
(Jeremiah 18: 3)

Pottery is molded and shaped by the skilled hands of the potter, then fired in a hot oven; gold is purified and refined in fire; and, both of those illustrate God’s power and purpose in the life of each real Christian. Trials, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual are the lot of every true believer. Every one of us sometime, somewhere will be thrown into the crucible of fiery testing; all under His appointment and all with purpose. Faith and Assurance grow; and, we learn that Christ is all we need; He is enough.

In Biblical times everyone well understood the processes involved in making a vessel on the potter’s wheel and putting it into the oven to set the form permanently. New Testament Christians were well acquainted with sufferings and trials; God’s people were being molded and fitted for the Master’s use.  James wrote to those people, “knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”

Do we think that we shall escape the Potter’s Hand as He molds us on the wheel of life and Providence?  Many who profess to be Christians deny that concept completely. Yet, Scriptures say that we are being conformed to the image of Christ Jesus; clay in the Master’s hands, –vessels in the furnace, — creations on His anvil.  This world is not our home and our address isn’t Easy Street.  Just as clay gives way under the pressure and grip of the potter, we in the same way must submit to our Master Potter.  And, when His vessel is formed, He puts it into the fire to refine and set firm the thing He has made.

As His vessels, we have limits and responsibilities.  We live and operate within His limits and we carry out our responsibilities as directed by Him.  To live within His boundaries and to live according to His purpose is “joy”.  Even if we have to travel difficult paths, He is there with us.  He is all we need; He is our joy. Trials drive us to Him and make us like Him; producing endurance and strengthening faith, assurance and Christian joy.


“[God] often takes a course for accomplishing His purposes, directly contrary to what our narrow views would prescribe.  He wounds in order to heal, kills that He may make alive, casts down when He designs to raise, brings a death upon our feelings, wishes, and prospects, when He is about to give us the desire of our hearts.” –John Newton