About Us

Think Scripturally.com website and Think Scripturally weekly email devotions are ministry elements of Bible Study Foundation which I founded in 1999.

Bible Study Foundation has at least two objectives:

  • Present the Gospel – the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ according to the Scriptures; and,
  • Provide Resources that will assist anyone seeking to know the God of Scripture and desiring to think scripturally in every area of life.

In the United States, as well as other countries, these goals have been pursued through preaching, teaching, radio ministry and printed resources. Bible Study Foundation also provides well selected books to many men seeking education and knowledge of the Word of God in preparation for pastoral ministry.

The Lord has opened many doors of ministry throughout the years and we are excited about this new opportunity to expand our objectives to more people through this website: www.thinkscripturally.com. Please pray that we will be faithful to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ in all things; and, that He will teach His people to think scripturally.

By His grace and for His glory,

Ed Wallen
Founder and President
Bible Study Foundation
P. O. Box 1703
Alabaster Alabama, 35007

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